Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Image vs. Issue ads

Above is a link for a website that features several ridiculous political ads. The first one which is the one I’m focusing on is for the senate race in California. It is in support of Carly Fiorina a republican candidate for the senate. She portrays the image of her opponent Tom Campbell as a wolf in sheep’s clothing literally. She actually uses wolf dressed as a sheep to show him as a liar and a terrible person also there is ominous music playing in the back round and glowing eyes on the sheep Campbell is supposed to represent. Yet there are also a lot of issues that are brought up and many of them have his voting record on issues and the bills that he has proposed. This commercial while ridiculous and is a clear attack ad against Campbell is able to bring up issues on Campbell’s record though there is few information on her. The question I am trying to raise is the new type of hybrid political ad than incorporates many aspects of traditional ads like attack, issue, and image? Also is this going to be a growing trend for candidates to use to convey their message and their opponents’ failures?

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