Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sarah Palin and Gatekeeping

In this clip from the Colbert Report we see Sarah Palin speaking at a teas party convention. The way she and Rush Limbaugh are presented while very funny is an example of gate keeping. Gate keeping is the process through which ideas and information are filtered for publication and this is a tactic of a lot of late night comedy shows. Gate keeping we only see certain clips that show her and Limbaugh in the way that the Colbert Report wants to display them in. We don’t get to see the comments before or after the footage that was shown. Their comments were probably taken out of context to put them in a bad light. While the Colbert Repot is just a comedy show aimed at satire this kind of action is taking place in major media outlets all the time is places like fox news. Certain major news network use clips of context to either build up someone or show them in a bad light. Whatever it takes to get their political agenda across.

Chris Juran

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