Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fox News Demonstrates Media Bias Against the Health Care Bill

I found this video on YouTube; it talks about one of the hottest topics in our society today, the Health Care Bill. It is an interview on FOX News with Glenn Beck and Kevin Williamson, a managing editor for National News. It is a prime example of media and ideological bias. The argument is completely one sided. Glenn Beck is ripping Health Care reform apart. He is completely focused on the negative, and even invites a source in to back his argument. He uses many negative words and frightening facts, and displays a dramatic persona. He is talking directly to America, and he lets us know that we have something to worry about. He makes it seem that we can not trust the president we elected to make positive changes.
FOX News clearly demonstrates a partisan bias and proves to many people that they are unable to fairly hear both sides of the news. Not once did they mention a positive aspect of the bill. Bad journalism like this can lead to many other things, like a spiral of silence, or agenda setting. Uninformed citizens will be seeing the same sided argument over and over, to the point that they are used to it, and will not speak out against it.

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