Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Greenpeace and the Media

Many of us may remember a few months ago when College Ave. was lined with Greenpeace people trying to get supporters. It may have been slightly annoying to hear, "Hey, you look like you care about the environment!" every hundred feet, but it got me thinking about how they use the media as a grassroots organization to find more supporters and get their message out. Just on the first page of my Google search of "Greenpeace" I found their webpages for USA and International, a Greenpeace webpage just for supporting the health of the oceans, A Wikipedia Article on Greenpeace, Twitter, Weblog, Myspace, Vimeo (which is kind of like YouTube), and tons of news related sites mentioning Greenpeace. I think this is a prime example of a special interest group using the media to become more popular and really keep supporters informed in what they're doing.

Here are some of the links I found:

Anna Sartori

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